Saturday, 12 February 2011

Xbox Live Obscene Gamertags

Obscene Gamertags for Xbox, I am a regular gamer when have a bit to spare time, If I'm not doing Guitar practice. switched on and had a add off this random Gesso. Not really pleasant , as i get 2 or 3 adds a day when i log on to Xbox LIVE. Have no idea if this is a random spam or idiot who just would like to trash talk. (But) Funny enough he/she only has two friends and still only has two freinds as i just checked earlier when i was playing Black Ops. As of other what I'm getting, people asking for Microsoft point to play a game. Scam or not your thoughts but my thoughts is its just a little scam over Xbox. Same as the cheating over Xbox LIVE, Don't be shocked when Microsoft will give you a permeant ban when you cheat. Same goes for chipping your Xbox, A ban on Xbox LIVE when your first update comes along. Don't be fooled by these people who ask for transfers of Microsoft Points or Obscene Gamertags. You never know who they are. Only Add if you know them or spoke to them over headsets....

Think About it peeps!